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Thoughts and ideas from Control the Basics
  • Why do people stop?
    When the first of the year begins, people start to make a set of goals to hit by the end of the year. But we tend to stop about 1-3 months after setting that goal.The way that I see it is that we set these goals with the wrong intentions or we do not go de...
  • Feeling
    This past month has definitely been a very eye opening experience. Not only in my business but in my personal life.For most of my life, I began to take in this belief that if I did not “feel” things, then I would never get hurt, be embarrassed or fail. Boy...
  • Foundational Mindset shifts
    Where do you begin with mindset? Thoughts? Are they my thoughts? Are they thoughts that have been told to me? Are my actions the cause of my thoughts? Are my actions because of the thoughts that have been told to me?The things we think about can get muddle...
  • Intentions
    Intentions are a very big part of therapy not only in a clinical setting but in a public setting.I’ve been thinking a lot about the therapy that I do and the other therapies that are out there in this world. I have come to the conclusion that everything wo...
  • Communication
    “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.”– George Bernard ShawMy girlfriend and I have a great relationship. We get along very well and love each other very much. But there is always one thing that gets in the w...
  • Golf Fitness
    As a personal trainer and youth golf coach, I have seen many different ways to train and coach people. Starting in golf fitness I interned with a TPI(Titleist Performance Institute) level 3 Fitness Professional who has been in the game for over a decade. I...
  • Foundation
    Have you ever tried to start studying for an exam but lacked a foundation for studying habits and stopped studying because you got bored or uninterested?When you got to college, were you appalled that you had to take the same classes you did in high school...
    As I dive deeper into the rabbit hole that is health and wellness, I am beginning to see how there are so many different factors that can influence the body in different ways.Also there are so many different avenues that practitioners can take when looking...
  • Exercise for love or hate?
    One of the harder questions to ask yourself when you are deciding to exercise is if you are exercising because you hate your body or because you love your bodyExercising is neutral in essence but when you have emotional attachment to it, then you have two ...
  • Pain
    What do you think pain is? Why do we have pain? Is it curable indefinitely? Will we always have pain? How do I get rid of my pain?Many different ways of looking at pain, we can look at it scientifically, spiritually, and emotional level. Scientifically, pa...
  • Questions to ask yourself
    When it comes to pain, a lot of times we just try to work through the pain or wait until it goes away.In many textbooks and from many well educated Doctors, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, or anyone in the health and wellness injury will say that pain ...
  • Music
    The relationship I have with music is very strong. My parents were a big part in this, playing Motown and oldies music when I was very young. I remember for long period of time, my dad would blast Bob Marley on Sunday mornings to wake us up and get ready f...
  • Causes and Self Awareness
    Ever gotten hurt or sick and not know why??I think we have all been there and it is definitely not a fun time. I once got sick out of nowhere, I had been eating healthy and exercising and getting enough sleep but still got sick. How in the world did this h...
  • “I can never lose, if I never give up”
    heard this phrase from a friend and it has stayed with me ever since.It definitely helps me in difficult situations that I want to give up in. During workouts that are getting really tough or struggling with my business. When I think about this quote, I th...
  • Choices
    Every now and then I have to step back from what I am doing and ask myself, am I going in the right direction.This has helped me to manage my stress and to make sure that I am doing what I want to do as opposed to doing something because I have to.Talking ...
  • Prerequisites
    Everything in life has prerequisites or certain skills or information that you must know in order to continue on the mastery or perfection. I use the word perfection very loosely.When we think about the big names in our society today, whether it is in cele...
  • Controlling The Basics
    This page is mostly to help people understand that if we just control the things the are the most fundamental/basic, then we can build upon that foundation and become better as a whole. If we were to start running right out of the womb, we would lack the b...
  • P-DTR
    Propioceptive-Deep Tendon ReflexMany people have not heard of this technique but I believe that it will be the future in treating pain and some diseases. This technique focuses on the Central Nervous System and how it interacts with pain and movement. I he...
  • Muscle Activation Techniques
    Muscle Activation Techniques is a revolutionary tool used in personal training as well as for bodywork or rehab settings. With this amazing tool, I use it for assessment of the body to see where there is limitation that may be causing “tightness” or pain o...
  • The Journey Begins
    I started my journey in Health and Fitness when I was about 3 years old. My mother told me that when I went into a doctors office, the doctor handed me a ball and I immediately threw it to her with decent form. That is when my mom knew to put me into sport...

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